That Venison Pie looks like a pot pie, not a real pie.

A real pie has three sides. Bottom, one long side around the edge, and of course a lid. The lid on its own - in a pot - is a pot pie (and arguably not actually a pie). Some people get cross about this kind of thing.

Not me. No... OK maybe.

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You are, of course, 100% correct. In my defense — and it's a lame one — it was called simply a "Venison Pie" on the menu. I do apologise to you and all of my readers for this egregious error.

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If you ever resolve the quest for the perfect sandwich then may I humbly suggest adding 'a decent pie' to your list/menu next.

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Great shout. Thank you.

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Am also surprised (but glad) the NYT is willing to shell out mid100s for an important job. The thing I wonder about for about jobs like that -- beat writer covering a major league baseball team, or even head of comms for a top-flight sports team -- is whether they are more attractive in theory than in practice. Those types of jobs, as you suggest, are often very demanding, and it would be sad to spoil the satisfication over finding a great meal, or even warning people away from a lousy one, because it became a chore instead of an avocation.

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I'm confident they will find someone who will love the job and be brilliant.

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There are two things here: sharing and small plates. I’m not a fan of sharing; I’m with Smithy in this (from Gavin and Stacey). Anyway, my friends don’t share 50:50, they eat way more. And sharing with a stranger is awkward. As for small plates, I love them. I get overfaced by a massive plate of food. And quite often, bored. I like lots of little bits and pieces, but all for me, please.

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I must confess I've never heard of the phrase "overfaced," though from the context here I understanding the meaning. :-)

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Maybe. Tasting menu vs a la carte. Not been to many places where sharing is encouraged, unless it’s a tapas bar. I’m not in London though.

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I love "overfaced"! And it's fair point. I tend to lump them together. Do you think they are different trends?

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